Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tuesday's inevitable stir fry

Despite finishing work on time today (a rare event but something that I’m hoping will become more common) I didn’t have much time to make tea. This was because by the time I had watched one of my favourite celebrities doing some dancing on the television I was very hungry.

Matt often makes the tea on weekdays but was home late himself this evening after a (thankfully fruitless) trip to the DIY store. I had just come up with the bright idea of asking our neighbour who’s a carpenter if he has an appropriate saw we can borrow and so was pleased that Matt had avoided adding to his own collection.

The stuffed cabbage had only used up eight leaves of savoy cabbage and the rest was still lurking in the fridge. So this really did seem like the right night for a stir fry.

I think that all households have some meals that they eat over and over again and stir fry is one of ours. When Matt makes it it’s usually after he’s done the shopping online and bought some of those bags with all the bits prepared. He hates chopping. When I make it  it’s in a effort to use up an array of veggies. Today as well as the cabbage there was pepper, mushrooms, carotts, courgettes and mange tout peas. This was the first time I have ever cooked mange tout peas.

We had enjoyed some mange tout very much at a friends’ a week or so ago and I didn’t argue too much when Matt put them in the trolley, especially as they were on special offer and I love a special offer. This was the same occasion that I picked up the savoy cabbage. So it seemed in some way right that they were reunited this evening.

Yet again I misjudged the quantity of ingredients required and ended up with a vast mound that would not fit comfortably in the wok. Volume wise this was mostly made up of cabbage. But I was fairly confident that it would reduce down and I just had to be patient. I was and it did (but there’s still enough for tomorrow).

The flavouring of stir fries is something that I’m not particularly adventurous with. Matt will sometimes use the intriguing pre-prepared sauces but I like to add my own flavourings. This most often will be ginger and soy sauce and sometimes pineapple and / or chilli. Today I really fancied pineapple and it’s something I always assume will be in the tinned fruit section of the cupboard. But alas it was not so today. And I didn’t really think that tinned prunes, mandarins, pears or peaches (or any combination of the above) would really work. So I just added a shake of chilli flakes.

My diet earlier on in the day had been fairly dreadful (lunch had been some flavoured rice cakes and a cereal bar: at Matt’s request I now permanently carry such things in my car for occasions, such as today, where I fail to pack lunch) so I felt the need for some protein as well as all the veggies. We don’t eat that much of the “meat substitute” products, usually opting for “actual” vegetarian foods (like beans and lentils). But we do have a stock of the substitutes in the freezer and the bird like bits do go nicely in a stir fry. Sometimes I put some nuts in but I’m in a brazil nut phase at the mo (apparently they’re very good for selenium whatever you need that for) so had probably reached my daily nut quota by 9am.

Matt cooked the noodles. And we settled down in front of our current DVD box set (it’s naughty I know but the dining room is out of action due to current DIY / decorating endeavours and it’s really cold in the kitchen) with a big bowl of vaguely oriental inspired tea.

It tasted good but was tainted by 1) the guilt I had about the number of miles the mange tout had travelled to feed me and 2) the stringy bits of the mange tout getting twisted around my tonsils requiring unladylike removal from my mouth. Maybe that will serve me right for eating vegetables from Guatemala.

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